It was a nice surprise today to receive an email from a colleague pointing out that an article I had co-authored appears in the latest version of the Research Data Curation Bibliography [1].
This bibliography is a great source of professional reading on research data management topics, with over 300 articles, books and technical reports included. (As an aside, I noticed when trying to add the bibliography itself to Zotero using the Chrome plugin that it is possible to import all these references directly into Zotero. PhD students in LIS must surely be cheering somewhere in the world right now.)
There are a number of articles included in the bibliography that focus on developments in Australia: the establishment and evolution of the Australian National Data Service (ANDS); predecessor infrastructure projects such as Australian Research Enabling Environment (ARCHER) and Dataset Acquisition, Accessibility, Annotation, E-Research Technologies (DART); institutional activities in universities such as Monash University and Griffith University; and Australian data management initiatives for disciplines such as crystallography and linguistics.