The benefits of enterprise architecture for library technology management: an
exploratory case study. Information Technology and Libraries 37.4 (2019). doi:10.6017/ital.v37i4.10437
"Pragmatic partnerships: on consortia, cost-sharing, and commercial open source hosting and support." Section in JLSC Board Editorial 2018. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication. 6.1 (2018). doi:10.7710/2162-3309.2261 [With Gail Clement, Nicky Agate, Danny Kingsley, & Micah Vandegrift.]
From the ground up: a group editorial on the most pressing issues in scholarly communication. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication 5.1 (2017). doi:10.7710/2162-3309.2196 [(With Nicky Agate, Gail Clement, Danny Kingsley, Leah Vanderjagt, Jen Waller, Melanie Schlosser and Mark Newton.]
Using scenarios in introductory research data management workshops for library staff. D-Lib Magazine 21.11/12 (2015). doi:10.1045/november2015-searle
Librarians as partners in research data service development at Griffith University. Program: electronic library and information systems. Program: electronic library and information systems 49.4 (2015). doi:10.1108/PROG-02-2015-0013. [With Malcolm Wolski, Natasha Simons and Joanna Richardson.]
Growing institutional support for data citation. D-Lib Magazine 19.11/12 (2013). doi:10.1045/november2013-simons. [With Natasha Simons and Karen Visser.]
Managing research data: a new direction for university libraries. Incite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30.9 (2009): 27-28.
KAREN [Kiwi Advanced Research and Education Network]: opportunities and challenges for New Zealand libraries. New Zealand Library and Information Management Journal 50.3 (2007): 246–61.
Preservation metadata: pragmatic first steps at the National Library of New Zealand. D-Lib Magazine 9.4 (2003). [With Dave Thompson.]
exploratory case study. Information Technology and Libraries 37.4 (2019). doi:10.6017/ital.v37i4.10437
"Pragmatic partnerships: on consortia, cost-sharing, and commercial open source hosting and support." Section in JLSC Board Editorial 2018. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication. 6.1 (2018). doi:10.7710/2162-3309.2261 [With Gail Clement, Nicky Agate, Danny Kingsley, & Micah Vandegrift.]
From the ground up: a group editorial on the most pressing issues in scholarly communication. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication 5.1 (2017). doi:10.7710/2162-3309.2196 [(With Nicky Agate, Gail Clement, Danny Kingsley, Leah Vanderjagt, Jen Waller, Melanie Schlosser and Mark Newton.]
Using scenarios in introductory research data management workshops for library staff. D-Lib Magazine 21.11/12 (2015). doi:10.1045/november2015-searle
Librarians as partners in research data service development at Griffith University. Program: electronic library and information systems. Program: electronic library and information systems 49.4 (2015). doi:10.1108/PROG-02-2015-0013. [With Malcolm Wolski, Natasha Simons and Joanna Richardson.]
Growing institutional support for data citation. D-Lib Magazine 19.11/12 (2013). doi:10.1045/november2013-simons. [With Natasha Simons and Karen Visser.]
Managing research data: a new direction for university libraries. Incite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30.9 (2009): 27-28.
KAREN [Kiwi Advanced Research and Education Network]: opportunities and challenges for New Zealand libraries. New Zealand Library and Information Management Journal 50.3 (2007): 246–61.
Preservation metadata: pragmatic first steps at the National Library of New Zealand. D-Lib Magazine 9.4 (2003). [With Dave Thompson.]
Book chapters
Case Study 3: Monash University, a strategic approach. In Delivering Research Data Management Services: Fundamentals of Good Practice, eds. Graham Pryor, Sarah Jones and Angus Whyte. London, Facet Publishing, 2013. 163–89. [With Anthony Beitz, David Groenewegen, Cathrine Harboe-Ree and Wilna Macmillan.]
Conference papers
Redefining ‘the librarian’ in the context of emerging eResearch services. VALA2014, Melbourne. [With Natasha Simons.]
Not drowning, ingesting: dealing with the research data deluge at an institutional level. VALA2010, Melbourne. [With Andrew Harrison.]
Scholarly information repository services at Monash University. IATUL 2009, Leuven, Belgium. [With Sue Clarke and Andrew Harrison.]
To DARE or Not to DARE. Educause 2009, Perth, Australia. [With Sue Clarke, Wilna Macmillan, Cathrine Harboe-Ree, and Neil Clarke.]
National, cross-sector, collaborative projects that worked at the National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Matauranga o Aotearoa. VALA2006, Melbourne. [With Fiona Rigby and Michaela O'Donovan.]
Establishing and sustaining national digitisation programmes: lessons for New Zealand from the Netherlands, Scotland and Wales. LIANZA 2005, Christchurch.
Matapihi… open the window: a case study in collaboration for online access to New Zealand’s cultural heritage. LIANZA 2004, Auckland. [With Scott Reeves.]
Infrastructure, impact and outreach: Griffith University’s approach to data citation. eResearch Australasia 2013, Brisbane. [With Natasha Simons and Stacey Lee.]
From silo to systematic: a new approach to building research data management skills at Monash University. eResearch Australasia 2011, Melbourne. [With Lyn Torres.]