26 October 2014

Using scenarios in introductory RDM workshops for library staff

On Tuesday I am presenting at eResearch Australasia 2014 in Melbourne on Using scenarios in introductory research data management workshops for library staff.

The scenarios I'll be talking about were used at Monash University in 2012 and at Griffith University in 2013, and have been made available by both organisations for re-use under Creative Commons CC-BY licences:

[Update 28/10/14: Here are the slides that I'll be using this afternoon.]

I also wanted to provide a list of some of the reading I have been undertaking while writing this paper. This is a fascinating area that I'm pleased to have delved into. I'm hoping to write this up for publication, so stay tuned!

Cox, Andrew. 2014. Why Librarians Should Be Clumsy with Research Data. Information Today Europe. Accessed July 9.

Cox, Andrew, Eddy Verbaan, and Barbara Sen. 2012. Upskilling Liaison Librarians for Research Data Management. Ariadne, no. 70 (November).

Errington, Edward Peter, ed. 2010a. Preparing Graduates for the Professions Using Scenario-Based Learning / Edited by Edward Peter Errington. Mt Gravatt, Qld: Post Pressed. 

Shadbolt, Anna, Leo Konstantelos, Liz Lyon, and Marieke Guy. 2014. Delivering Innovative RDM Training: The immersiveInformatics Pilot Programme. International Journal of Digital Curation 9 (1): 313–23.

Toci, Vicki. 2014. “Why Use SBL?